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Cate Muenker, MS

Lab Manager

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Cate Muenker, MS


Cate has always had a passion for invertebrate marine biology, which launched her journey into molecular biology as an undergrad at Rutgers and she continued using molecular techniques to study marine toxicology during her Masters at UCONN. Taking her first job at the Yale School of Medicine as a lab technician, she was quickly promoted to lab manager and moved with her PI to Albert Einstein College of Medicine for several years. After working in industry for a few years, she returned to Yale and worked at the Stem Cell Center for a few years. She is currently Dr. Albert Ko's lab manager at Yale School of Public Health. The lab evaluates novel vaccine candidates for leptospirosis as well as the epidemiology of COVID-19 in New Haven.

Education & Training

  • MS
    University of Connecticut, Physiology and Neurobiology (2001)
  • BS
    Rutgers University, Biology (1999)

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